Monday, November 19, 2007

Episode V

Friday was Jakes last day.
As we sat in the bar for happy hour, right at 5pm mind you, we reminisced. We talked about the job, the laughs, the day, the people and the crap.

Jake: “Can’t say I am going to miss hours on end of data-entry.”
Brittney: “Yeah, but you will miss us!”

Jake’s job was thoroughly boring. He input information into spreadsheets, sat in meetings about web design and picked on me all day. He basically had the most boring job in the whole Marketing team.

The most Jake got out of his job was hanging out with Brittney and me. We laughed every day. I know Jake is going to read this so I just want to express how lucky you were to have us there! Whether it was “decorating” someone’s cube or running downstairs to get coffee- we had a lot of fun together.

Friday was pretty fun, although we were reminded throughout that it was Jake’s last day. I even had a chance to get even with him and Brittney for putting leaves all over my cube! I had a lot of things coming in from the shipping department so I stacked them in Jake’s cube. It was great- his cube would soon be my storage space. I got even with Brittney by placing police-like tape all over her chair and blocking off her entrance. Then I printed off a sign that said “Recycle here” and put empty boxes in her cube. She was a bit surprised- Jake and I laughed till we cried.

I know that Jake will do some great things- and I can’t wait to see where life takes him. Hopefully out of his parent’s house! (Had to throw that in).
Long live interns! Long live happy hour.

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