Monday, November 12, 2007

Episode IV

So the dislike is now turning to hatred. Yesterday, while sitting and eating my Lean Cuisine in the lunch area with Brittney and Jake, I noticed my boss (number 2 of 3) was coming into the room. I was a little upset because I would have liked to eat lunch with her and become more acquainted on a social level, but I was already sitting with Brittney and Jake. Not wanting to get up and leave them, I let it go.
Next thing I know- I look over and there is Diana, eating lunch with MY boss.
Okay, this is getting personal. I point it out to Brittney and Jake. While they are simpethetic, I think they are mostly just relieved it is not their bosses she is flirting with.

Brittney: "I think it is because she is older, your boss must like her because of that! Maybe they have more in common?"

Jake: "She is already best buds with my boss- you better watch out Brit, she is coming for your job next!"

She is totally honing in on my turf! That is MY boss, MY connection, MY department. Who the heck does she think she is?? This is war of the interns…

Lately she hasn’t been as oblivious to our dislike for her, either she is getting the hint or she found this blog.

1 comment:

A said...

Sounds like a tough gig over there! I understand how you feel though. As interns I think we are really pressured to fit in with our company's culture, employees, as well as our bosses. It's nerve-racking thinking that less than a month from now we might not have jobs or that some newbie might snatch them out from under us!