Monday, October 15, 2007

Facebook Sucks?

Apparently Facebook decided that pictures of breastfeeding were no longer acceptable to post on their website. Was this a bad PR move or simply a way of controlling their content? In my opinion, it was no PR move. To state the obvious, people are talking about it, and Facebook is obviously trying to protect people, not piss them off.
I read another woman’s post on this and replied to it with my opinion, she replied soon after. Here’s how it went;

I Posted:
Let's be honest here, Facebook was not developed for the breast-feeding mom, or moms in general. The site was designed to be a connection between COLLEGE STUDENTS; to share pictures, parties, and class info.
While the site has grown and people other than college students are using it, the regulations must be changed to reflect that. I agree that there isn't much regulation going on concerning typical college-student activities, but could it be that the simple act of breast feeding makes the 20-something developers blush? I think so.
Why would anyone want a picture of their boob on the internet anyways? Shouldn't that be a private moment between the mother and her child? I have no problem with public breast feeding, but posting it on the internet makes me think these women are begging for attention.
Posted by Patty | Oct 14, 2007 9:45:03 PM

She Posted:
Thanks for your comment. As I recall, the pictures on Facebook were on people's profiles and in groups specifically about breastfeeding. People who weren't interested in the topic had plenty of opportunities to look away.
I am by no means an expert, but breastfeeding isn't always easy. Many of these groups exist to help women with issues, and certainly, to support their decisions. Pictures help this in many ways.
Breastfeeding has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with feeding a child. No reason to blush and no reason to ban. I'll leave it to the experts to tell you more, if you are really interested.
As to pictures of boobs, I can almost guarantee that the pictures posted by the legions of college students you mentioned expose far more breast that the average breastfeeding mom.
That's the point.

You tell me who is right or wrong. Or is there a correct answer? Was this just Facebook’s way of getting people to talk or were they trying to offend someone? Good PR? I think so, but you tell me. P.S. I wrote back to her, let’s keep the good PR going!


Greenhill said...

I'm not sure if this step from facebook was necessarily a good PR move. Just because people are talking about it doesn't necessarily mean that it's a good thing -- keep in mind all publicity isn't good publicity. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this was necessarily a bad move -- I think Facebook has had to be overcautious since all the complaints when they changed their formatting and people reacted really negatively to invasion of privacy. Remember the response from Mark Zuckerberg, apologizing and implementing so many privacy options? I'm not sure it was so much a PR move as much as just walking on egg shells to make sure they don't repeat past mistakes.

...but how many people love Facebook now because the mini feed (which so many people despised as an invasion of privacy in the beginning)...

internoffice said...

Hi greenhill,
I'm sorry if you misunderstood my comment that this is a good PR move as serious. I suppose I need to work on my sarcasim in the blog form.
I am glad we are on the same page, and agree that banning breast feeding on Facebook was simply a way of protecting people, not insulting them.